What We Value

Values are the enduring beliefs that form the basis of our culture. 

Our values guide us in making those daily decisions, both large and small, that over time determine our achievement.



In valuing safety, we acknowledge that the well- being of our team members, partners and customers is always our first and foremost priority.


Service is a mind-set that says we care for those around us more than we do ourselves. The abundance we create for ourselves is a multiplier of how much we give of ourselves to others.


In order to help our customers, we must first understand at a deep level what they value, and how they succeed. Only then can we develop and deliver appropriate solutions for them.


We work hard. With the time we have available in our careers, we want to work on problems that will help sustain our planet and society for our next generations.


The best teams win, not the best collection of athletes. To be an effective team we must perform our jobs at the highest levels, trust in individuals around us, practice and train like professionals, and execute with a quiet confidence. Our ability to play as a team is the cornerstone of our success.

How We Behave

The foundation of all good teams is trust. 

How we behave determines the level of trust we build collectively. In addition to trust, great teams have an intangible quality of always achieving more than management practice would deem possible.

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Integrity means always doing what is right … even when no one is watching.


Candor is the quality of being open, honest, direct and sincere. Candor is bi-directional. Not only will ‘I be candid with you’ but I will have the confidence and defenselessness to allow ‘you to be candid with me.’


It is through respect that we acknowledge the value and worth of those around us. We show respect for others in how we communicate, how we listen, how we deliver on commitments, and how we own up to our mistakes.


Optimism is a force multiplier. Optimistic teams are not bounded by the conventional wisdom of what is possible, and as a result, consistently achieve more… and have more fun along the way!


Great teams and great team members do not wait around for direction. They seek to understand strategy and business intent, they “see around corners” to identify opportunities and threats, and move proactively to drive impact.

What We Do 

Over and above our values and behaviors, our habits are the things we do each and every day irrespective of the goals and strategy of the company. 

Our habits, applied over time, are how we win. 

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WE Win By

  • Creating value for our customers
  • Having a passion for process improvement
  • Simplifying the complex
  • Being insatiable learners
  • Operationalizing metrics and scorecards
  • Embracing problems and challenges
  • Recognizing and rewarding impact