Heartland's Innovative PFAS Separation Solution Featured in WasteDive

WasteDive shines a spotlight on evaporation’s feasibility for managing per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in leachate, showcasing Heartland’s article Leachate evaporation for PFAS separation and sequestration

The article delves into the critical issue of PFAS in leachate management and presents the Heartland Concentrator™ as a proven, viable solution. Through mass balance analysis at multiple Concentrator sites, the findings confirm that leachate evaporation is not only highly effective for volume reduction but also a promising strategy for assured PFAS separation and management. This process not only mitigates environmental risks but also contributes to returning clean water to the ecosystem and producing a concentrated waste stream, which is ideal for landfill sequestration or as feed for future PFAS destruction technologies.

Discover the full details of Heartland’s innovative approach and learn how to connect with them by reading the article linked below.

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